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Green Fed

a blog about a girl who decided eating plants was the way to go

Category Archives: dr. fuhrman’s eat to live

Did you know that one head of Romaine Lettuce contains 7.7 grams of protein?

I didn’t, either, until we started reading Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live book!

As a matter of fact, here’s a smoothie we really like.  I haven’t made it in a while, so I think I just may whip it up tomorrow morning!

Blended Mango Salad (from Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman)  Serves 2

1 ripe mango, chilled (I’ve used frozen mango in this and it worked just fine- just thaw it a little bit before blending)

1 cup chopped spinach

4 cups chopped romaine (or more if it will fit into your blender- I’ve been able to fit an entire head of romaine in our smoothies!)

1/4 cup almond milk

Add milk first, then mango, then spinach and romaine a little (a little at a time).  Blend til creamy.  I like to add some ice to make it nice and cold because I don’t like a warm smoothie!

For more awesome facts about Romaine Lettuce, go HERE. I promise, you’ll be floored at how much nutrition is in a head of that leafy lettuce!